
Boxer Braids with Golden Moods Blog


Como prometido, cá está, a minha primeira vez no Youtubas (ahah). Não tenho jeito para falar para câmaras e sou deveras tímida! Mas diverti-me imenso com a Sofia do Golden Moods. Ela tem imenso jeito para tranças, penteados e maquilhagem. Vão aprender imenso com os vídeos do canal dela! Se ela conseguiu entrançar o meu cabelo ela consegue tudo! Ahah! É super querida por isso sigam-na que ela merece muito. Espero que gostem e amanhã quero ver todas de tranças, preparadíssimas e lindas para o verão. Beijinho grande!

As promised, here it is! My first time on Youtube. I’m super shy as you can see... Had a great time with the babe Sofia Cardoso, from Golden Moods. She’s super talented! You can find lots of cool braids and hairstyles on her youtube channel. Follow her! She totally worth it! Super sweet girl. Hope you enjoy and tomorrow I want to see your braids. Huge kiss!
 Aprendam como fazer as tranças lindas e vejam em promenor no Golden Moods da Sofia! 
Não se esqueçam de subscrever e seguir!

Learn everything about the boxer braids on Golden Moods
Don't forget to subscribe and follow her! 

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107 comentários

  1. Adoreeeeei! És tão queridaaaa!
    E que fique bem claro que tens um cabelo lindo, quem me dera a mim ter um cabelo desses!
    Ficaste maravilhosa nas fotografias, tens imenso talento. Temos de repetir a dose!
    ♡ ♡ ♡

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  2. Adorei o look tanto que até tenho a mesma camisa verde da Zara eheh as tranças ficaram lindas :)
    - Estou a seguir!
    with love, KATE ❤

  3. Tão gira, adorei o look! E as tranças estão fantásticas :D
    beijinhos, The Fancy Cats

  4. I love your hairstyle!!! *-*

  5. Adorei o teu look e as tranças ficaram-te mesmo muito bem ^^
    Beijinhos ^^

  6. Lovely romper and sandals!


  7. Apaixonei na trança e no look! ahaha amei o video


  8. Adorei o look e as tranças claro, super gira

    >> http://joandcompanystyle.blogspot.pt/ <<

  9. Essas tranças são a coisa mais confortável para usar no verão, adoro.


  10. Fotos m a r a v i l h o s a s! Que feliz eu estou em ser a 700ª seguidora, hihi ♡

  11. Gostei... Ficaram muito giras... Tenho pena de o meu cabelo não dar para fazer essas tranças!

    Ontem é só Memória | Facebook | Instagram

  12. Love the outfit! And the boxer braids really suit you! :)

  13. Adoro essas tranças :3 confesso que adoro mas não tenho talento para as fazer e mesmo quando me fazem não me gosto de ver, mas em ti fica mesmo bem ;) Beijinho

  14. Olá
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  15. tanto tempo sem estar na blogsfera, e agora que voltei, tu nao estaS.nao sei se trocaste de blog, o ja nao ligas em isto

    beijinhos linda

  16. Anónimo24.6.17

    Gostei das fotos :)

  17. Adoro o outfit e as tranças ficam-te muito bem, quem me dera um cabelo assim :)

    Nossa, estou a relembrar os blogues que seguia e que ainda sigo desde que tinha o meu blog antigo, que lembranças ^^
    Agora recomecei, whish me luck!

  18. So helpful! Thank you :-)


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  30. Harold Heys28.2.19

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  31. Roberto6.3.19

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  43. Anónimo20.3.19

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  44. Anónimo21.3.19

    The incredible Bananas go Bahamas sweepstake software online slot game by Novomatic has five wheels, three blocks, and nine pay lines. Go to the Bahamas with comic fruits, take your winnings and enjoy the holiday!
    Pick your bet and set the number of pay lines to start the slot game. Now spin the wheels and try to pair winning figures combinations to get your prize.

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  46. Some extra points of the Bananas go Bahamas video slot will help you to boost your winnings. The figure with the Banana is Wild and if it appears on the wheels replaces for any other game figure, except Scatter figure. Two or more Wild icons in the winning combination double your reward! To trigger bonus spins, you have to get 3 or more Scatter figures. Then you will be granted 45 bonus spins. You will be assigned extra bonus spins during this feature if Scatter icons occur on the wheels again.

  47. Anónimo24.3.19

    Dragons sweepstake software slot machine offers a mob of four dragons, and all the dragons are designed with nonesuch displays of horns and mesmerizing colors. The whole game screen is presented to transport players back in time to dark ages – the time when people used to believe that the legends of Dragons were fact rather than fiction.
    For more information visit the page: Dragons sweepstake software slot machine offers a mob of four dragons, and all the dragons are designed with nonesuch displays of horns and mesmerizing colors. The whole game screen is presented to transport players back in time to dark ages – the time when people used to believe that the legends of Dragons were fact rather than fiction.
    For more information visit the page: https://www.fisharcadesgames.com/dragons-2/

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  49. Golem21.6.19

    Riverslot gaming software does not require complicated setup or specialized knowledge to install. Riverslot team focuses on developing useful solutions elaborating maximum of desired features. To use River slot casino content players need to create an account at the cyber café or another landbased location. After specifying single e-wallet, all gaming products are available on multiple devices for every account owner.

  50. Pepso21.6.19

    The technology of the virtual sphere is currently available exclusively to large-scale companies in the gaming field since the virtual equipment has a high cost and complicated maintenance. Despite the high price of equipment and service, the trend of transferring the gaming business to virtual reality is developing rapidly. In the new year, many new online casino software plans to use virtual technologies so that all players have the opportunity to go dipper into the space of real presence. Such technologies can attract a new generation of players. A significant improvement in the quality of virtual games is possible through the use of bright, three-dimensional graphics and expressive soundtracks.

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