OOTD - Grey Colored 20:36 | JEANS | SHIRT | SHOES | When life get's in your way, what do you do?! You cry about it?You think about it? You stay home depressing? No! You put your best and stronger lipstick. Your best high heels. And you shine! Go girl! Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Tags: Closet & Outfits, Fashion, Photography, Trend Alert Mensagem mais recente Next Story → You Might Also Like OOTD - B&W DRESSLINK - Wishlist Boxer Braids with Golden Moods Blog... 6 comentários Marisa Ferreira18.11.15Perfeita <3E amei a cor do batom!http://venus-fleurs.blogspot.pt/ResponderEliminarRespostasResponderEliana Borges19.11.15Estás fantástica! Eu gostei de tudo, mesmo!Eliana,http://around-eliana.blogspot.pt/ResponderEliminarRespostasResponderNevena Krstic19.11.15Your outfit is so cool! I love your top, you look lovely :) xxResponderEliminarRespostasResponderPassos de moda19.11.15Adorei o look, muito gira :)beijinhoshttp://passosdemoda.blogspot.pt/ResponderEliminarRespostasResponderSARA MEIRELES20.11.15Essas sandálias são um amor :) Adoro beijinhosnew post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/2015/11/perfect-winter-break-in-seasons-most.htmlResponderEliminarRespostasResponderApp Development Company29.7.24Thanks for sharing valuable postResponderEliminarRespostasResponderAdicionar comentárioCarregar mais...
6 comentários
Perfeita <3
ResponderEliminarE amei a cor do batom!
Estás fantástica! Eu gostei de tudo, mesmo!
Your outfit is so cool! I love your top, you look lovely :) xx
ResponderEliminarAdorei o look, muito gira :)
Essas sandálias são um amor :) Adoro
new post http://sarameirelesthesnowwhite.blogspot.pt/2015/11/perfect-winter-break-in-seasons-most.html
Thanks for sharing valuable post